The General Directorate of Saudi Passports allows the resident to issue a visit visa to these relatives

Saudi Arabia allows residents to bring their relatives
كتب بواسطة: محمد وزان | نشر في  twitter

The General Directorate of Saudi Passports has determined the degree of kinship allowed to apply for a visit visa to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The directorate said in a statement, “The degree of kinship allowed to apply for a visit visa is direct kinship, which includes fathers, mothers, children, wives, and husbands.”

إقرأ ايضاً:حتى هذا الموعد .. بشرى بتمديد فترة تخفيض غرامات المخالفات المروريةطيران الرياض يوجه ضربة قاسية لطيران الامارات والخطوط القطرية والتركية

The directorate explained, "Saudi citizens can also submit applications for visit visas for their second-degree family members, which include brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, and paternal uncles."

The directorate indicated that "applications submitted by members of second-degree families must be accompanied by documents proving kinship, such as a birth certificate, marriage certificate, or death certificate."

These measures come within the framework of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s efforts to regulate the entry of visitors into the Kingdom, and to maintain the security and safety of the country.

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